South Pacific (1958)
Lush Sound Recording
26 August 2000
I grew up in the '60's, and saw this film several times on B/W TV. In the '70's, I worked in a TV station. We were copying this film onto video tape for broadcast. The film was running smoothly when the first color shift hit the screen. I thought the production chief was going to explode! He actually tried to adjust the color on the camera to make the images look more natural!

South Pacific is a musical. The music won an Academy Award for its sound recording. It deserved this.

Rossano Brazzi is not my first choice for DeBeque. Mitzi Gaynor was fine as Nellie. John Kerr, while being young, did not have the body to play a military man. His voice was irritating, and the dubbed singing voice was a scream.

The colored filters were a mistake. In the 'Cockeyed Optimist' number, Nellie mentions the 'sky is a bright canary yellow' and then up comes the yellow filters. On a whole, the photography on the islands is dull and looks faded. It should have not been done this way.

Anyway, the star of the film is the music. If it ever is remade, I'd like to see the same music arrangements used with equal modern music talents.

By all means, if you have not seen South Pacific, please do. It is an experience. If possible, see the letterboxed version on TV. You miss alot when watching the pan-scan version, believe me.
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