Wild Guitar (1962)
Not bad...compared to "Eegah!"
12 May 2000
Okay, I'll admit it...I've actually got kind of a soft spot for "Wild Guitar." It comes off as more polished and sincere than Mr. Hall's predecessor film. And there is a certain amount of charm to the film, courtesy of Miss Nancy Czar. She's no dancer, but her performance is natural. Incidentally, Miss Czar was in real life a figure skater. In the early 60s she supposedly missed a flight that killed others on the USA skating team. Her reward for failing to make the flight? The leading lady role in "Wild Guitar!"

Filmed after "Eegah!", "Wild Guitar" is no sequel. And that's a good thing. Budgeted at $15K, "Eegah!" couldn't help but make money, and so was spawned "Wild Guitar" - at an incredible $30,000 budget!

Despite the small budget, the quality of the film is much better than "Eegah!" In "Wild Guitar," they could afford to record voices live, not dubbed as in "Eegah!" They saved cash by filming in black and white - money that was better spent in actually coming up with halfway decent sets.

Okay. So "Wild Guitar" isn't a classic. But it's probably the best of the Arch Hall films. It even boasts an appearance by the woman who accused Greg Brady of smoking in that classic "Brady Bunch" episode! Here, in "Wild Guitar," she plays a short order cook. It's also decently directed by Mr. Ray Dennis Steckler.

But is that REALLY Robert Crumb, the underground cartoonist, as Don Proctor???
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