Red Zone Cuba (1966)
Don't even watch the MST3k version...its that bad.
8 March 2001
Yes, this is the movie not even Mystery Science Theater 3000 could make entertaining. The movie that still manages to cause extreme anguish to the viewer even through the shield of humor that Mike and the bots try to erect for us. With no plot (not even a stupid one, it just ISN'T THERE), no characterization (with the exception of the guy that wants to raise money to pay back his parents for college, who of course dies off camera and is completely unimportant), and a lack of any other redeeming value, I'm sure that this is the film, had MST3k's plot of driving Mike insane with bad movies been real, that would have done it. There is absolutely nothing in this film to possibly entertain you, and even though the boys at Best Brains tried their best, even they couldn't bring enough humor into this piece of cinematic garbage to make me want to watch it. Avoid it like the plague...actually, avoid it like a combination of the plague, nuclear explosions, and a room full of drunken monkeys with typewriters (who were, of course, likely the authors of this film.). Why that last one? Ever been hit in the head with a typewriter? Ok...that was weird, but this film does that to you.
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