Some fun at the end of the line.
28 September 2003
By now a long way from the innocence of 'Doctor In The House', this, the seventh and last movie in the series, sees Leslie Phillips romping around a luxury liner, in what comes across as a less funny cross between 'Doctor At Sea' and 'Carry On Cruising'

I never expected to like this movie for a number of reasons, firstly, James Robertson Justice (for me the heart and soul of the 'Doctor' series) is restricted to a brief cameo (and very ill-looking he is too), while watching it you can't help notice how cheap looking and studio bound the movie is. While the script is at times very poor, the 'Pill' joke was especially dire and yet they included it in the trailer! In addition, it seems clear that the director is running out of ideas when he (often) resorts to speeded up photography to raise a laugh.

Yet I quite enjoyed it. Leslie Phillips was his usual, dependable self, doing wonders with the often-ropey script, at one point even enduring a drag scene! While the cast is a strong one, full of familiar faces. Harry Secombe steals the movie with a very funny performance, one that makes you wish he made more movies, and Irene Handle was also well used. There was even a small role for 'Monty Python's' Graham Chapman, as a very camp photographer.

Despite it's (many) flaws, 'Doctor In Trouble' is a fun little movie, while not in the same comic league as some of the earlier 'Doctor' films, it's far funnier than the previous movie in the series, the lukewarm 'Doctor In Clover'.
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