Sad End For Two Fine Actors!
3 August 2002
"Dracula vs Frankenstein" has got to rank near the top of the all-time worst films list. A cheap independent quickie obviously meant for the drive-in circuit, its only redeeming grace are the many down on their luck veteran performers in the cast.

J. Carroll Naish, confined to a wheelchair, plays yet another relative of the original Dr. Frankenstein called Dr. Durea. He and his mute assistant Groton (Lon Chaney Jr.) are still at it, murdering unsuspecting young girls for experimentation from their secret location in a House of Horrors located in an amusement park. Into the mix comes Count Dracula (Zandar Vorkov) who promises to revive the famous monster (John Bloom) in return for the evil doctor's help in developing a serum to make Dracula invincible. Heroine Judith Fontaine (Regina Carrol) enters the picture looking for her missing sister. She is aided in her search by hero Anthony Eisley and cop Jim Davis. Along the way she encounters evil biker Russ Tamblyn. Even famed magazine publisher Forest J. Ackerman appears proving that he should have stuck to magazines.

Well you would think with such a cast of seasoned veterans the picture would have been better. I hate to think what it would have been without their participation. The acting other than from Naish, Chaney, Davis and Eisley is just plain dreadful. Carrol who must have been the producer's girlfriend, is just plain awful. Vorkov as Dracula is laughable and the Frankenstein monster's face looks like a roasted marshmallow. The "climatic" battle between Dracula and the monster is a hoot, when you can see it in the poorly lit setting.

The production "values" of this film are non-existent. And it's really sad to see such veteran performers as Naish and Chaney (in the final film for both) involved in such nonsense. Tamblyn, who had once been a rising star at MGM in the 50s is embarrassingly bad. Eisley and Davis both do what they can with weak direction and material.

"Dracula vs Frankenstein" was a sad end for two fine actors. Unfortunately, they ended up much the same way as their contemporaries Karloff and Lugosi, appearing in god-awful Grade Z movies at the end of their careers. They all deserved better.
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