Review of See No Evil

See No Evil (1971)
Pretty good solid thriller
10 April 2003
A blind woman (Mia Farrow) goes to live at her uncle's huge, remote house in England. Her uncle (by mistake) splashes water on some stranger's boots (we never see the stranger, only the boots). While Mia is away, the stranger comes to the house and kills the entire family. Mia returns and slowly begins to realize something is wrong. Then the killer returns...

Well-made (there's some truly beautiful photography here), well-acted (Farrow is just great) and suspenseful. Also you never see the killer's face till the end--only his boots--it greatly adds to the creepiness. I'm giving it a 7. It just stops short of being a great thriller because it's way too mannered and quiet. I applaud them for not throwing blood on the screen (there's a little but not much) but everything else is just too damn laid back. A bit more emotion or action would have helped.

Still, as it is, a pretty good little thriller. Worth seeing. Watch out for the boots!
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