When are they going to put together a Feldman DVD collection?
3 May 2004
I first became familiar with the comedy sketches of the late British comedian Marty Feldman as a teenager. During 1970 and 1971 his material was used to bolster "The Golddiggers," a summertime replacement show for the "Dean Martin Show"on NBC. Feldman's, often-silent film shorts rank up there with the funniest material I have ever seen. Although this particular show under consideration here(which actually appeared during the summer of 1972)was not quite as good as the bits seen on the "Golddiggers," it was still a scream.

Feldman finally achieved notoreity for American audiences for his end of 1974 film debut in the role of Igor opposite Gene Wilder's Dr. Frankenstein in Mel Brooks' classic "Young Frankenstein." Feldman went on to appear in and direct a few less-than-memorable films such as "The Remake of Beau Geste" and "In God We Trust." Unfortunately, he died of a heart attack while on location for the 1982 film "Yellowbeard."

With the proliferation of video out there, it's really very surprising that no one has to date put together any sort of video or Dvd collection of Feldman's comedy. If it does ever surface, do yourself a favor and get hold of it, sit back, and prepare to laugh your head off!
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