Assignment: Munich (1972 TV Movie)
'Charade' Without The Charm
23 June 2004
The plot for Stanley Donen's "Charade", starring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn, and set in charming 'Paree' is recycled in what was supposed to be a pilot for a whole espionage TV series. I don't know what other great movie plots the network planned on draining from their original merits, but thankfully, we'll never know. Those of you who haven't seen "Charade", it is about a recent widow who finds herself being chased by three men who most likely killed her husband, and who is also being courted by a mysterious yet charming man who may or may not be on their side. Although the cast in this film isn't in the same league as the original, they are all talented people who could have and should have been allowed to create interesting characters. Same goes for the location. Munich is the most beautiful and interesting city in Germany, yet the film could have been shot in Portland, Oregon for all the effort there was in making the most of the scenery. The film was also shot in the dead of winter, I guess in order to bring out a feeling of 'gritty realism'. I only wish the director had watched "The Third Man" for some inspiration on how to make gritty realism look interesting! Movie trivia fans will enjoy this TV-movie for its 70s nostalgia, for making comparisons with the original, far superior "Charade", and for having the opportunity to see Robert "Mike Brady" Reed play high camp.
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