Review of Ciao Manhattan

Horrific yet Interesting
22 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: May Contain Spoilers

Despite its veneer of fiction, this film more resembles an autobiography of tragedy. And, to be sure, this is a cautionary tale. At least it should be. If you ever wanted to see how ugly a "beautiful" person can be, watch this movie.

Viewing this movie is akin to watching a train wreck in slow motion. It is terribly interesting, yet awful at the same time. The underlying story involving the league of "drug" pushers, "alien" manipulators, "quack" doctors, and self serving hippies does not mask the gritty reality underlying this film. Frankly, fame, drugs, and the Warholians ruined a beautiful young woman's life. I'm sure the critics of the day appreciated this film's message of moral relativism and the supposed hypocrisy of the "normal" world. Thirty years later, it is clear that the destructive, callous, and cavalier attitude of the social experimenters wreaked havoc with those bold enough to be "different." I think it is fair to say that the survivors of that lifestyle don't have a bit of regret about that fact either. The proof is in the pudding, and Warhol and his cult are still celebrated.

I give this film a generous 4 out of 10 ranking because the subject matter is fascinating. If this footage was reworked as a true documentary, dropping all of the psychic garbage, this could be an 8 out of 10 piece. Of course, the rework would have to be made by historians rather than art historians.
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