Disappointing, redundant horror made by a crew that should know better
23 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Horror company Amicus – for once, not presenting a horror anthology but a long feature film – clearly delivered one of their weakest films with this `And now the screaming starts'. Maybe it would have been better if they kept to their successful omnibus formula, yet it's unquestionable that the team who made this film was talented. Director Roy Ward Baker damn well knows how to shoot a compelling horror film with titles on his repertoire like `The Vampire Lovers', `Quartermass and the Pit' and `Asylum'. Then what exactly is the matter with this film? It has screaming alright…the main actress gave me a headache with her constant screaming. Catherine Ferngriffen is the young, beautiful wife of a rich landlord. As soon as she's homed in her husband's estate, she's haunted by nightmarish visions and freaky paintings. Catherine is also chased by a chopped off hand and nobody in the mansion dares to explain anything to her. Understandable, since any friendly soul that does tries to inform her dies a tragic death. `And Now the Screaming Starts' contains far more boring and tedious sequences than exiting ones, and that's not very good for a horror film. Also, the `mystery' is exaggeratedly stressed and annoyingly kept secret far too long. Great expectations are automatically being formed, but the climax regretfully turns out to be yet another ( SPOILER! SPOILER!! ) variant on the pay-for-the-sins-of-your-ancestors curse. The opening credits list Peter Cushing and Herbert Lom first, while it takes a good 50 minutes before either of them has an appearance. Lom is great as the savage and heartless landlord, but his part is too confined to save the plot. There also are a few nice, professional make-up effects but overall few excitement and action. Apart from the grotesque finale, which is pretty gruesome and over the top. What remains is an avoidable supernatural tale, yet with lovely countryside settings and beautiful costumes.
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