This one scared me, but I was only a 14 year old boy.
20 April 2003
This movie had some chilling and gross scenes, some of which I will never forget. Mostly, because I was only 14 years old when I saw it. Maybe, it is because I could relate to much of it from the kids point of view. Heck, I lived with an alcoholic mother who could run circles around the werewolf when it came to tearing things apart and scaring little kids!

Universal certainly got their money's worth; milking their original property, the classic Wolfman for characters and set pieces. There is the gentle, caring man who is cursed to kill strangers and even tries to kill the one he loves. There are the gypsies turned hippies that shout warnings of impending doom. Oh, and don't forget that it takes silver to kill a werewolf.

I watched this one again 15 years later and I saw it for the B-Movie that it was, but I'll still hold a special place for it in my heart because it did what movies are supposed to do: transported me someplace else, got me interested in the characters and best of all, it TRULY SCARED me!
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