A Guide For a First Year Law Student
6 July 2004
Potential law school candidates, don't freak out when you see this movie. This movie wasn't quite like my first year of law school, but that's because I didn't go out of my way to spend all of my time trying to impress one (let alone any more) professors.

It is likely that your professors are not going to behave like total bastards as Sir John Houseman did in this movie as Timothy Bottom's contracts professor, since your teachers are obviously pretty willing to help you out and guide you through three very rigorous years of study. But, then again, law school is much different from other levels of education, and the first year is the hardest because you're being trained to think like a lawyer and get in touch with that part in your brain where you can critically analyze things. And, as this movie suggests, when you do feel yourself slipping and/or falling behind, do not suck up to your teacher or kid yourself that everything is alright. The point is to go into things with your head on straight. Think realistically and don't panic!

And yes, contract law is going to be one of the roughest first year courses.

The story here concerns a first-year student's trials and tribulations at Harvard law school. He seems to be running around in circles sometimes, trying too hard to stay on top of things. John Houseman plays his stubborn and defiant contracts law professor who he consistently butts heads with, especially when it comes to dating the guys daughter and trying so hard to impress him.

The story is actually pretty ridiculous. But then again, it would probably be pretty boring to watch an hour and half movie about a kid with his nose buried in the books as most first-year law students are. It is definitely worth a shot if you are considering law school, but don't freak out.
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