The Invisible Man (1975–1976)
too Intelligent of a Show, Relied on Plot more than Fisticuffs
21 April 2002
When Dr. Daniel Westin is turned invisible from an experiment, he must now don a mask and gloves when he walks among people. Played by David MacCallum with longer hair that is blonde, he looks nothing like his character on the Man From Uncle. I remembered this show from its brief original run, and caught a half dozen episodes off Sci Fi Network a few years back and they are a marvel to behold. Melinda O. Fee as his cooperative scientist wife, who isn't a Charlies Angel in behaviour but is most definitely in looks, plays well off watching her husband disappear as he disrobes. Craig Stevens statue presence rounds it out nicely. But the show worked marvelously, relying on the moving camera either letting you know where Daniel was or giving his eye view as he approached a person or area. The show offered no camp, no humour, and no sexual bickering. One fantastic episode had Daniel offer his mask as an escape for a person he had to smuggle out of the enemy headquarters and he simply walks out beside him invisible. With the possible exception of the old Topper movie, there hasn't been anything like this show before or since.
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