Starting the franchise
11 August 2004
With this movie the gorgeous brunette Edwige Fenech - here at the

top of her physical charme - passes from the Giallo movies that

started her career between the late Sixties and early Seventies -

several of whom are indeed very good and worth seeing - to the

cheap erotic pharce that delineate the better part of her career

before her retiring from the scenes and the start of a very fortunate

producing career - she has always been a bright and corageous

woman in her choices. This movie starts a franchise, made of a few movies with the

same title character, but not necessarily real follows up to the

ones before. Edwige is the wife of a gymnastic professor

(D'Angelo) that becomes involved in a torrid love passion with a

young student. Better forgive her for such performances: she has been better
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