5 January 2004
I received the Exorcist Trilogy for my birthday because I am a huge fan of the first and third films, I hadn't seen the second film, but I wasn't too worried. I'd heard bad things, but I figured it would be watchable. It isnt - the first half isnt so bad - it seems to be building towards something (but never makes it). I particularly liked the scene where Regans psychiatrist and the priest are under hypnotherapy and the demon from Regans past is grabbing at the psychiatrists heart.

I wasn't expecting horror, I knew the film was more from the "spiritual" angle - but it didnt even seem to get there, the whole plot just dissapeared half way through and became a messy jumble of about three different story-lines. The old priest in Africa, Regans psychic ability (which is never explained)and the main priest dithering around and upsetting everyone. I found him a particularly unnecessary and annoying character.

The scene at the end where Regan and the Priest are battling the sexy evil Regan is laughable - its so cheesy, there is no tension or suspense - (the scene I believe inspired many of the half horror half porno films of the early eighties).

Also the acting of Regans maid was horrendous and thats all I want to say about her.

This was a messy film - it started with the right idea, but someone got confused along the way. 2/10
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