Review of The Brood

The Brood (1979)
13 June 2001
I remember seeing this movie as a kid and it scared the heck out of me. I was only 11 or 12 and defied my parents by staying up and watching it. I became a Cronenberg fan at an early age.

This movie is pretty grisly and unsettling so it isn't for everyone. I saw it again recently and it did seem a bit moer hokey then when I first saw it, but it was still entertaining and I liked that it was like the horror movies of today where they through in a funny catchphrase or lame comedy bits. I like my horror straight up...comedy-horror movies hurt true horror movies as now everyone expects a punchline when someone dies.

Cronenberg is near the top of his game here...not his best (my personal favorites are "Scanners", "Dead Ringers" and "Naked Lunch"), but still good.

Not for the squeamish or easily offended (but then again, what worthwhile horror movie is?)
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