Mad Max (1979)
Max Gets Revenge
15 May 2002
This is my favorite Post Apocolyptic movie. Originally, I like Road Warrior better, but I think this one has more stability in that Max has one primary goal above all others, find the bad guys and get retribution. I still like Road Warrior, but this one I thought had more intensity and more of an edge. I also think it is funny to hear Mel over dubbed by a guy who sounds like a cheap Clint Eastwood impersonator.

There are several cool things that make this movie work; first are the car chases. I think these are some of the best car chases on film. What is also really cool is that they are all real chases and crashes (for once being under budget worked for the better). Next is how obsessed Max is with finding the biker gang who murdered his wife and child. As he speeds down the highways and roads you can see the rage, sadness and emptieness in his eyes.

And I also liked how everything was so mysterious. If you think about it, you really didn't get to know any of the characters very well. This is what makes this different from other action movies. Max is just as much of an enigma as the bikers. The only thing you really know well about Max is that he is fueled with murderous rage and hell-bent on finding his enemies. I recommend this movie to fans of wasteland future movies, or likes a lot of good car chases. 9/10
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