Review of Diva

Diva (1981)
Zen Master, How do I reconcile my love for the Diva's music
11 November 1999
Let's see what we have here. Young man is obsessed with the singing of a brilliant young diva, who only performs live. (Ala Harry Haller in Hesse's Steppenwolf, can't stand the sonic compromises of recorded music.) He also falls in love with a teenage shoplifter who is taken care of by a mysterious man in a white suit who meditates to a wave machine. Am I missing anything? Oh yeah Taiwaneese music pirates...

All in all a zen masterpiece about the relationship between art and life, and clothes, lifestyle, antique cars, recording, artists, their fans and the type of industrial lofts with freight elevators that are now popular even on Nash Bridges.

I've seen it a couple of times in re-release after its original run, and can honestly say this is a movie that would play well on the small VCR TV screen. It has the ambiance of a TV show in it's message that those things we worship are really no big thing -- nothing really worth sweating about.
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