The Evil Dead (1981)
A Great Example of How to Do A Lot With A Little
13 August 2002
Evil Dead, both as a single entity, and in the context of the entire a perfect example of how to make a great movie without spending millions and millions and millions of dollars.

Evil Dead is directed by genre fave Sam Raimi, and is perhaps the movie is known best for, perhaps outside of Spiderman nowadays. Raimi both wrote and directed, and did so on a budget that was more than likely roughly akin to what they spent on lunch for Spiderman.

The film revolves around a group of friends who are taking a trip to a cabin deep within the woods. Upon their arrival to the creepy looking cabin, they come across a set of audio tapes recorded by a dr. of some sort who had been studying the ancient "Book of the Dead" or Necronomicon. He realized early on that reciting the ancient incantations within it had woken and ancient evil deep within the forest, that eventually came for him, and claimed his wife. Little do they know it, but the friends, upon listening to the tape, have once again awoken these evil spirits, capable of possessing their bodies and and their minds. One by one they are taken by the spirits of the forest,until only Ash...played perfectly by Bruce Campbell is left to face those who were once his friends along with other things going bump in the night.

I don't want to give any real plot details away for anyone reading this that has not already seen the movie. This film, upon first viewing, is often viewed as cheesy, low budget schlock, and by all means, that is exactly what it is. The low budget gives the film a vibe all it's own....with creepy camera angles and tricks wisely in place of gaudy special effects. The makeup effects are, in my opinon quite good, and the possessed members of the cabin are truly frightening looking. Yes the blood looks like ketchup, and yes there are a few scenes that look like they were done with playdough, but that's the fun of it.

Sam Raimi manages to transcend the limitations of the budget by keeping the film taught, and genuinely creepy, with more than one 'Gotcha' type moments. As the film progresses, you really do begin to get a sense of Ashes peril, and begin to realize that not only is fighting for his life and his sanity. All of this is also possible thanks in part to genre vet, Bruce Campbell...who delivers a great albeighit over the top performance. The man has some of the most classic facial expressions, adding a whole new dimension to his performance.

Evil Dead may or may not be the weak stomach type...many find the film to be gross and repulsive...while others find it hoaky and unreal. I leave it to you the viewer to draw your conclusions.

I only ask that before viewing Evil Dead, or any of the Evil Dead trilogy...clear your mind of any preconceived notions you may have regarding it....leave your sense of logic at the room, and sitdown to enjoy a piece of pure popcorn schlock. Evil Dead doesn't deserve an Oscar and it is not a timeless masterpiece of cinema, but it is something that it rarely gets credit for being...mindless frightening fun.

Turn out the lights, open up your curtains....and watch it with the ones closest to you, and you may not be so quick to head up any cabins any time soon.
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