The Seduction (1982)
It's a bad movie, and I should know...
12 July 2000
...being that I've seen it in whole or in parts about ten times. Dating from the early eighties (which seemed to be a particularly fertile time for real stinkers, see my comments on "Legend of the Lone Ranger" and "The Lonely Lady") the film is watchable for two outstanding qualities: First, the impossible physical beauty of Morgan Fairchild; and second, the impossible stupidity of the character she plays, along with that of her lug of a boyfriend (Michael Sarrazin). His death scene, by the way, is one of the more warped bits of unintentional comedy I've seen.

I write this as TBS ran this movie recently, and of course the network excised any scenes of serious skin that Ms. Fairchild displayed. It's too bad they could not instead have put their effort into cutting out every scene featuring the drooling creep who stalks her (Andrew Stevens) - who is able, by the way, to get into her house easier than I can get into my own apartment. The resultant movie would be about twenty minutes long, however, and suppose TBS would need more to hang their prodigious commercial breaks on.
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