Thank God Bruce Lee brought kung fu flicks down to earth!
23 July 2000
A fairly ridiculous martial arts movie.I don't know if you would even call it martial arts as the fighting consists of a lot of special effects eg-leaping up and clinging to a ceiling,but most of the fight scenes are just preposterous,like blades being shot out of someone's back,limbs being cut off and blades coming out of them and guys that can make explosions by just pointing at things.The dialogue is laughable,with lines like"You're really crappy!!"which sounds like a funny thing to say in ancient Japan.It is clearly meant to be a comedy with lots of Monkey Magic-esque gags,which fall completely flat.

This could have been a great movie if it was treated more seriously,as the filmakers had some great costumes,sets and especially actors,but the end result is complete boredom
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