Review of Tron

Tron (1982)
Inspiration for The Matrix
20 June 2003
After seeing this movie again I was amazed how much the computer world full of software and hardware metaphores was similar to the computed world of The Matrix (1999). You've got guards that are comparable with the agents from the Matrix, guardian tanks etc. that are comparable with the spider-like robots from The Matrix. The computer programmer that gets into the computer world turns out to have extraordinary powers, like Neo. And so on. I'm pretty sure the Wachowski brothers got at least some (maybe unconscious) inspiration from Tron.

Even after all these years the design and storyline of Tron are still fantastic. I think it's the honourable godfather of 3D animation on the big screen, forming an undervalued, important gateway that channeled 3D graphics from computer-scientific obscurity into mainstream media, and establishing new computer graphics techniques that paved the way to Pixar's 3D animation revolution in the 1990s.

My deepest respect to Tron's creators for realizing such a visionary movie in a time the world wasn't really ready for it yet.
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