Blood Suckers: Bad, in a fun way
18 November 2001
Blood Suckers from Outer Space was one of those films that you knew you shouldn't rent, but couldn't help yourself. "It can't be all bad", you say to yourself, "Can it?"

The answer is no. Is the dialogue wanting? Yes. Was this a dime budget Z-grade horror flick? Yes. Would anyone notice if the actors were replaced with cardboard cutouts? No.

The difference between this film, and say, some of the bigger budget stinkers, is that all involved were seriously trying to make a good horror movie, and it shows. Laughably, but it shows, and it makes this over the top, campy, zombie flick an immensely enjoyable party film that gets better the deeper you get into the 12 pack sitting in the cooler.

It's been some time since I've dusted off the cover of the video and popped it in the VCR, but perhaps tonight I'll give it a spin for old times sake.
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