Starts off well...
18 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers

This film is one of the slew of nuclear films which seemed to be regular staples at the video shop in the 80s. It's nowhere near as bad as drivel like Legend of the Rollerblade 7 or Hell Comes to Frogtown, but it's still doesn't come close to the quality of films like Miracle Mile or the very serious films Threads and The Day After.

Avoiding the common 'fight for survival after the bomb' trap it starts in a reasonably promising fashion. A group of neighbours plan a weekend away at their rural retreat, but just before they're due to set off an international crisis sparks fears of a full scale nuclear war. Lucky for them they are survivalists and their holiday home contains enough supplies and firepower to get them through the crisis. For about 40 minutes the tension is built up reasonably well and all the hints about which characters are going to turn into cliched survivalist nuts are done pretty well. Then suddenly it all starts to descend into cliche and platitudes - the final scene is a terrible cliche and anti-climax: The war is averted, but the groups of armed nuts won't believe it and continue to fight - this is only halted by a group of children linking arms to surround one group of adults and bring the shooting to an end. It's a pretty awful ending after a vaguely promising start. That said, they are numerous worse nuclear films than this one. If you want to see this done better and much earlier, check out Ray Milland's 1962 film 'Panic in the Year Zero' which has an almost identical plot but is so so much better.
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