Misfits of Science: Deep Freeze (Pilot) (1985)
Season 1, Episode 1
Too Good To Stay On TV
20 March 1999
Misfits of Science was just one of a collection of shows released in the 1980's with creative conceptual ideas. Some, like Knight Rider, went on to achieve cult symbol status. Others, like Automan, faded into obscurity.

Misfits was one of those programs destined to fade, helped along by the untimely death of Dean Paul Martin, the actor portraying the show's driving character, Billy.

Almost a satire of comic-book concepts such as the X-Men, the show revolved around a government-funded "weird science" shop called Humanadyne and a group of teenagers with exceptional powers gathered together by Dr Billy Hayes, who had the idea originally to start a basketball team with them.

The show featured such topics as synchronicity, paranormal phenomena, and alternate universe theories in a vaugely x-filesesque manner. For a comedy program it was far ahead of its time, making use of science fiction concepts, without making light of them.

Coming on the heels of the box-office-smash Ghostbusters, Misfits was designed to appeal to the same audience, with the same style of humor, a task it excelled at.

This show desperately deserves to be released, in it's entirety, on videotape.
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