Review of The Kindred

The Kindred (1987)
Meet your brother, John....
24 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Dr. John Hollins is called to the hospital bed of his mother. She advises him to finish the science projects she started involving something what seems to be a long lost brother of Johns. When she dies, John and a few of his colleagues and friends drive up to her old house to clean up the place and to find out more about her science achievements. But, a horrible monster dwells around the place. This creature (referred to as Johns brother because it sprung out of his tissue) It's some sort of disgusting fish-creature since his "blood" contains a lot of hydrocyanine (or however that is written) John and the rest want to destroy it asap, but an old colleague of John's mother wants the creature to be his. I must admit this film was rather a pleasant surprise. Sure it stole some elements of classics like Alien and even a bit of "The island of Dr. Moreau. But overall, I didn't care much. What is original these days ? It's much better than I expected it to be. I was familiar with the earlier work of director Stephen Carpenter...I saw The Dorm that Dripped Blood and was angry for a week because I wasted time to that crap. So, in that theory, the Kindred is an improvement of 250 %. A lot of credit has to go to the actors, though. The leading role is played by David Allan Brooks. I'm not familiar with this guys career but his haircut sure is impressive. This film also stars Amanda Pays !! There, I just gave you an extra reason to see it. She's gorgeous as always and that British accent of hers makes her one of the sexiest horror females in history. I also noticed a blond babe who's face I've only seen before in Revenge of the Nerds...I don't know if that's a good thing. And I saved the best for last...Rod Steiger is in it !! This great actor, who recently deceased, plays the role of the evil scientist. He over-acts very much, but in a good way. He's great ! The part of Johns ' mother is played by Kim "Planet of the Apes" Hunter. That's a very interesting Trivia element, but her role is rather brief.

The kindred is a nice attempt to make an enjoyable over the top monster film. It's got a few major holes in the plot (like for example the chick who got killed in the road accident...she never get mentioned again and HOW did Anthony return home ???) but you'll forgive the film for it. At least I did. Enough gore to satisfy the more extravagant horror lovers too, by the way.
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