Mafia Princess (1986 TV Movie)
extraordinarily bloodless Mafia movie
8 February 2004
You watch this movie and cannot help but wonder why oh why is Tony Curtis not still making movies. He is granitely vulnerable, superbly father/bastard, a mafia don with no none bloodshed even when he gets smoked on his Daughter's 40th birthday. Susan Lucci is beyond perfection and NOT NOT a self-pitying character as the daughter of Italian Nobility. You gotta love Tony and I see him every morning, immemorialized on a Hollywood Freeway embankment. He exudes muscular authority, charisma, James Deaning it for the commuters. There is no Mafia movie in the same class as Mafia Princess. The Godfather is an utter classic but that would be comparing the left foot with the right hand.
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