My life has been a vacuous void without this film!
15 April 2002
If you had one shot to make a perfect comedy movie with slasher gore effects, you would throw in every idea, every concept, every joke imaginable, right? And they did and it works.

I just saw this film for the first time in over a decade and I had forgotten how great it is! Largely snubbed by The Academy, this film has bad humor, odes to Hitchcock, gore, Pythonesque meta-film moments, and gratuitous T&A... well, gratuitous T. But very, very funny. Sure the sound overdubs are not always dead on (and they know enough to make fun of this) and the acting isn't quite first-rate, but dammit, this film is pure gold!

Expect to hear me playing the "Psychos In Love" theme song in a coffee house near you!
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