12 February 2001
Where does one begin when he attacks a really bad horror movie ? The actors? This film stars several unknowns including a would-be up and comer named George Clooney (I assume he leaves this farce off his credits) and the few recognizable faces of Alex Rocco, Phillip McKeon and Marcia,,whoops, I mean Maureen McCormick as an oversexed cop. I love the scene where the police chief is distracted while looking her her cleavage covered in blood. ("Uhhhhhh, what was I thinking again?") The script? The plot concerns movie-makers who have returned to the school where an unknown serial killer murdered several kids in order to film a based-on-a-true-story movie. It's a good idea never done before, but the execution of the film flip-flopping between the fake movie and the real movie is so confusing and impossible to follow that you have to believe it was made up as they went along. The rationality is out the window as the movie shows not enough of the behind-the-scenes inter-play and too much fake blood. Even McCormick halfway through stops to admit that there was too much of it. This movie is nothing but a mishmash of badly edited scenes strung together into an incoherent film with some actors playing two to three different roles. It's only worth is as a curiosity or for fans of Marcia,,,,,sorry,Maureen McCormick and George Clooney.
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