25 June 2003
Mr Canton and Lady Rose (or whatever you want to call it) is indeed Jackie's personal favourite out of the looong list of flicks he's featured in. It's definatly the story and the characters that director Chan is interested in, with the action being kind of forced and even out of place when it appears. If Jackie had the choice it's unlikely there would have been any action at all, but Golden Harvest weren't going to let him make a movie without his usual manic action.

Therefore, Mr Canton and Lady Rose is somewhat uneven, and as good as the final battle is, it just seemed to be padding out a movie that's already longer then his usual, and had little relation to the actual plot. It's a good plot though, I really found myself caring about what happened to lady rose and her daughter. Mr Ho is given a little too much screen time however, particularly towards the start.

Me Canton and Lady Rose is a little self-indulgent, a little uneven, and a little long and slow to get going- But it's definatly a lot of fun, and despite these critisisms, I recommend it to every Jackie Chan fan.
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