Review of Wings

Wings (1990–1997)
as funny as a sitcom should be
11 May 2000
Well, all the other reviews here have pretty much used up all the praise I could give this show. I never saw an episode of "Wings" that I didn't like. I came in during the third season and was instantly hooked. Unlike most sitcoms that die a slow, horrible death as the end crawls near, "Wings" never had a bad season, and the entire final season was just as good as any other they had done (and how often can THAT be said about a sitcom?) One of the best ensemble casts ever assembled for a sitcom, and it places in the Top Ten of my all-time favorite sitcoms. I just hope they do a reunion movie before the cast gets too old, which shouldn't be for awhile. Oh, well. Until then, I can watch the morning reruns on USA, just like I've been doing for the past several months.
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