White Room (1990)
A Fine Film...
13 May 2002
You could call White Room a hybrid of Rear Window, which is obviously in the plot. But Maurice Godin immediately reminded me of Kyle McLachlan in Blue Velvet, portraying the wayward, adventurous young man whose ambitions in life are very ambivalent.

As for the film itself, it has some simply beautiful scenes. Perhaps the film loses a bit of its mysterious aura when the cow scenes come along, which I think the Rozema could've done without. Nonetheless, the dreamy blue-filter shots are very well done.

No, this isn't a DePalma-esque Hitchcock rip off, so don't worry. It's a very unique film; I've never seen anything quite like it and I certainly agree with Andy's message in that this is a little gem of a film that you really should check out.
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