Home Improvement (1991–1999)
The truth about Tim Allen
15 May 2002
Let's face it, Tim Allen wears a wig all the time, because no one, after seeing a minute of this show, could deny he's hiding a mullet under the wig!

And, as they teach you at your first marketing lesson, in fiction you should always portray a world that it's one step higher than your intended target, it's called "an aspirational (yearning) approach". Thus, the true target of this show probably lives in a trailer, wears a mullet and has never managed to read more than a service-station sign on the motorway.

The cast is below average, sometimes below acceptable, the writing sends shivers down my spine and the jokes make me want to either throw up or become a political activist. That is, I know perfectly well that everything in this show is exaggerated to trigger a laugh from the audience, but why exaggerate on sexism and machismo to make people laugh? Because it's the staple of their intended target' life! If it wasn't for the fact that the intended public of a series like this just isn't able to understand that it's exaggeration: they probably hang around treating their women even worse, justifying themselves by going "Tim said that! Buuuuurrp!"

This show is ignorant, sad and miserable, not to mention the fact that the actor who left is a "radical vegetarian (...) who loves to fish!" Thumbs up, you Jonathan Taylor Thomas! Not that you could expect much more from the member of the most arrogant cast that graces our tv-screens... go ahead, keep on making people's lives a misery!

And for those of you who probably think I have no sense of humour I can only say Bring back the 1964 Addams Family, please...
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