City Slickers (1991)
And the star of the movie is...
20 January 2003
Yeardly Smith!

Time has not been kind to this movie. The first half descends into caricatures, rather than acting. And given the fine cast, one expects more. The low point is when Nancy barges into the party with her incredibly whiny voice, and you think "who is this incredibly annoying person?" And then when I discovered at the end credits that it was Yeardly Smith I realized it was truly great acting. Hey, its not easy being THIS annoying. I guess this is what the director wanted.

Fortunately, the movie eventually gets better as the characters gain depth through a personal self-discovery on the range sort of thing. Nothing like a little peace and quiet away from the city, eh? I think this was what the movie Grand Canyon was trying to get at in its crude sort of way.

My advice: If you get the movie, stick with it! It can only get better. And keep an eye out for Nancy!
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