Review of Lucky Luke

Lucky Luke (1991)
What was Morris thinking...?
15 June 2000
I remember what happened. Terrence Hill fell in love with the superb Lucky Luke cartoon and comic book series. He was a movie star, not a big one though, he made only two flicks since this one. He succeed in contacting Lucky Luke's creator, Morris. The cowboy father agreed to let the italian actor do his movie version and a subsequent tv series based on the most popular adventures of Lucky Luke.

What a mistake it was !

I love Lucky Luke but god do I hate this stupid movie. It is obvious this wasnt even filmed in the united states even though its supposed to take place in a western universe, with cowboys and indians. Everything is bad, Luke's love interest, the famous Daltons and overall Terrence Hill, he is NOT Lucky Luke, he dont even have the same and famous outfit. Not worth the curiosity, avoid this piece of crap. Dont go near it... Beware !
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