Fun little film with hilarious in-jokes
19 June 2001
I saw this enjoyable movie several years ago and it always sticks in my mind as a fun little flick. There are a lot of in-jokes that people who aren't b-flick movie buffs, like myself, probably won't get.

My favorite was on Patrick Bergen's towtruck, the inscription reading "Satanic Mechanic" (an allusion to "Rocky Horror Picture Show"). I also got a kick out of Hitler and Attila the Hun playing cards together...

The cameos by the Stiller family (Ben Stiller, Jerry Stiller, Anne Meara) are great fun too as well as the ever so lucious Lita Ford "Sex drugs and rock n roll, baby").

I also enjoyed Hellcop, who's played by CJ Graham, who was Jason in "Friday the 13th, Part 6" and who is now a general manager at a local Las Vegas Casino. Also, be sure to check some of the carvings in his face...a lot of cute in-jokes there as well ;)

A fun movie that doesn't take itself too seriously (so neither should you), though it does lag a bit in a few places.... 9/10
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