Falling Down (1993)
Best anti-hero film of the 90's
25 September 2001
After reading the many reviews on this film , to call the film racist , right-wing or trashy all I can say is you have missed the point. This film was very much a picture set in the early 90's. The Cold War won and the promised peace dividend was a recession in which the tired old ideas from government and authority had been flogged to death. Bill Foster ( D-Fens) was a casualty of that world with the tragic case of not knowing it. Because it can happen to anyone of us. Lose your job , then your wife , then your kid and then probably the dog. Angry at everyone around him , even his own mother , who probably gave him values of hard work gets rewarded. The family man had his life turned upside down . Discarded by his Company , redundant and the feeling of betrayal is very easy to understand. Note the scene , where the plastic surgeon , living a life of splendour and opulence , yet Bill Foster , who studied , worked , got on with his own inner private life had everything taken from him. The plastic surgeon , no good to anyone but the vain and the wealthy , a world that was now closed to Bill Foster. The Land of Opportunity had now turned into a living hell. Where advertisers promote products that are sub-standard.( note the whammy burger scene )Where street gangs ran rampant , yet if they actually had jobs to go to then drive by shootings may well be a rare event. We have the first victim of Bill Foster's angst as a Korean shopkeeper blatantly profiteers , it could've been an Indian or a white guy , these small-minded petty bourgouis people are out there...his race is an irrelevance. I secretly cheered as D-Fens made his own price adjustments.

The most profound scene for me was the black guy , outside the bank , shouting , Not Economically Viable. Bill Foster acknowledges him , as he is taken away in a car , that knowing look of empathy and solidarity. The best is always the killing of the neo-nazi. When the arm store guy tells him that they are the same , Bill Foster says no , Im an American and your a sick f**k. Michael Douglas was great in that film. Playing Bill Foster was for me anyway , his best ever role. Robert Duvall was brilliant as the retiring cop.Facing a day , when it can so easily end in tears. Barbara Hershey was also good as Bill Foster's wife , who at times was neurotic , but believable. I actually wished for a very different ending , you already felt watching the film , that it could end in just one way. The missile scene was over-done. It wasn't nessacary. If you wanted explosions the drive by shooting was a good place or even the Whammy burger joint. Falling Down was one of the best anti-hero films of its time. The observations and incidents , we have probably all been there in one form or another , except perhaps the arms store. Im giving Falling Down 9/10. Great film , great cast , bit over-zealous in places , but a little bit of Bill Foster lies in most of us...its just we dont know it yet. Lets pray we never have to.
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