Don't think of this as a sequel...
13 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This movie isn't really a true sequel to "Return Of The Living Dead" (A Dan O'Bannon masterpiece) or "Return of the Living Dead Pt II" (Ken Weiderhorn's piece of sh*t sequel).

Think of it as taking zombies movies to a different level. The acting wasn't bad although *SPOILER* the Mexican zombie was a bit lame...Screaming Mad George is capable of much better. *END SPOILER*

Brian Yuzna is a great director (this and "Society" which is greatly underrated, show that he has a good eye and is actually a horror movie fan rather than some snobby music video director doing a quickie horror movie to pad his resume) and the rest of the cast isn't bad.

The ending actually brought a tear to ol' SykkBoy's eye, a rare feat indeed...

To the poor soul who couldn't find the gore in this movie, I think you got stiffed and grabbed the Blockbuster R-rated version....no wonder you hated this movie so much...

This is one of the all-time great zombie movies and Mindy Clark isn't exactly hard on the eyes. I have a thing for pierced women, so probably enjoyed certain parts of this movie more than the average fan ;)

So, a great ride but truly isn't for everyone...btw, nitpicking a bit, but this movie actually did hit a few theaters....although, I don't get elitist over straight-to-video flicks...I like the just as much, if not more than Hollywood Blockbuster crap...
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