Iron Monkey (1993)
Brilliant Entertainment
20 February 2003
Iron Monkey, much like The Green Hornet series, can be taken one of two ways. Its either a story about a chinese Robin Hood, who goes around trying to right wrongs or it's a story about the youth of the amazingly popular wong fei hung character from the once upon a time series and countless other films.

In a nutshell, the titular Iron Monkey is causing grief for the corrupt magistrates of a chinese province. He keeps pinching the Magistrates ill gotten gains and distributing the wealth among the poor and needy. The magistrates attempts to capture the Iron monkey always fail, laregely due to his supreme Kung-Fu skills. One day a young wong fei hung and his father (peoples favourite, Donnie Yen) are making their way through the town. The magistrates are rounding up anyone likely to be Iron Monkey and discover that Donnie Yen is a renowned Kung-Fu master. They send him after Iron Monkey, while holding Wong Fei Hung as insurance that he will finish the job. They also are sent some government officials to check out whats going on in the province. Who just happen to be ruthless Kung-Fu mercenaries.

In this story we learn why Wong Fei Hung is so compassionate and resolute. He is thoroughly disciplined by his father, but learns compassion for all people from the Iron Monkey. And a former prostitute (what is it about china and prostitutes?).

Iron Monkey is a really fun film, which I thoroughly enjoyed. The Kung Fu is great, the story is enjoyable and the characters are really interesting. And the big bad baddie, a former Shoalin Monk, uses the funkiest moves ever. The King Kong palm. Class.
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