Sparkling Family Dramody.....
24 January 2003
I'm white, so late's get that out of the way since it don't matter no how...Whoopi is the best in this fine comedy/drama of a man who's just lost his wife due to circumstances we don't get to see. His little girl, however, loses the will to speak, feeling her Mother's loss so greatly. He needs a maid/nanny and luckily manages to (after much funny trials) to find and retain Ms. Washington (Goldberg) whom the daugher (played brilliantly by the marvelous Tina Majorino) (think Shirley Temple with an attitutude) falls in love with. Goldberg has her usual attractive 'spark' and then some...I fell in love with her, too, in this family fare. It is warm and inviting and allows us all to feel the very best about ourselves in a time that was definitely against almost all of that. Thank God for movies that find the best in Life to reflect in a genuine manner. Also, the magical quality this movie holds makes this movie a diamond among the charcoal they often peddle today as gems.
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