Paul Kersey - The Jinx!
5 September 2002
Paul Kersey is in a happy relationship yet again. But of course death & bloodshed are never far behind & soon he must exact his revenge. This time against a violent mobster & his gang!

In 1974 the much berated director Michael Winner made Death Wish. A hard hitting tale of vigilantes & vengeance starring Charles Bronson. Two decades later & the 5th film in a franchise that didn't need to stretch beyond the original arrived.

Never has the law of diminishing returns been more apt than with Death Wish 5. Paul Kersey, the unluckiest man alive or just a bloomin' jinx! He must be the best customer at the local dating agency! Like Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote he always seems to be 'coincidentally' around when the bodies start piling up & its no different here. Yet again his nearest & dearest are the victims of crime & yet again he is out for vengeance. This time with the help of cyanide, fork lift trucks & exploding footballs!

Why on earth did this film get made & more importantly what happened to Charles Bronson? He gave some great performances in some great films such as Once Upon a Time in the West, The Dirty Dozen, The Great Escape & The Magnificent Seven. Apart from a strong supporting character role in The Indian Runner he seems to be resigned now to sleepwalking through bland, poorly written & flatly directed rubbish like this.

A least Death Wish 5 offers some handy survival tips for todays violent modern world. Being chased across the top of a building by increasingly inept bad guys? Simply swan dive off the roof into some handy fall-breaking bin bags! Want to know how to avoid bullets? Simply run in slo-mo waving your hands in the air!

What can one say, this is a pointless entry into a dead franchise. The original was great but there is really no reason to see sequel number 5. Although maybe women should watch to know what Paul Kersey looks like. Then if you run into him at a singles bars you can beat a hasty retreat from Mr Death!
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