it gets by on good acting, if nothing else
11 August 1999
In the role of naive French student Phillipe, Marco Hofschneider(Immortal Beloved) is extremely likeable and convincing. His character is a French student who has come to a college in 1956 Virginia on exchange, to naturally find that everything if different. He wishes to play football, but gotten it mixed up with the European version, which results in quite a mishap. He also wishes to fraternize with the local colored citizens, particularly a housekeeper called April, whom he is madly in love with...but he sounds finds out that falling in love with people of another race is also something that's well, done differently in the United States. It's forbidden. Yet, while Phil may seem simple in some areas, even he knows to keep their love a secret, and that results for more scrapes and turmoil.

Forbidden love is always an interesting story, but not a very original one. Nevertheless, "Foreign Student" manages to avoid many cliches, and good performances by supporting players Rick Johnson, Edward Herrman, Charlotte Ross, and particularly Hofschneider make for a passably good film.
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