Nice Cinematography...
18 August 2003
An interesting attempt at a visual representation (set to Paul Scoffield's narration) of the book of Genesis. For the most part, the opening creation is a montage of unrelated images. Then the film moves to a somewhat abstract portrayal of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Tubal Cain, then Noah and his family. Throughout are some quotes from the Psalms, Song of Songs, Isaiah, and I what I am certain are extra-biblical references. One sequence I found very interesting was the use of modern images of war and frenetic city life intertwined with portrayals of ungodly lifestyles in Noah's day to communicate that we are on the verge of God's coming judgment, just as his culture was. Very well done, I thought.

Overall, I give this film a 5/10- I wanted to give it a lot more, but it moves along at too slow a pace, with much of the film work seeming like filler material. This film is a lot less than I expected and I'm not sure I'd have been so quick to buy it ($5 at a garage sale) if I knew what it actually was.
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