Possibly the worst movie I've seen this year
25 November 2001
In spite of a relatively possible story, that should at least create apprehension in an average viewer, this one will leave you snoring in your armchair, in minutes. Although the director is no longer among the living to defend his name, this movie would be something better left off his obituary.

This is theoretically billed as a thriller. However, the plot, (I mean the WHOLE plot) is revealed in the first 15 minutes, and it goes no further. The Killer, Albert (John Savage) is released from a mental institution, in spite of the head psychiatrist's (John Saxon) repeated warnings that he will KILL AGAIN.

Needless to say the psycho killer is released and goes from phone book listing down the page looking for his "Annie Smith". He leaves a predictable string of bodies.

This movie is plagued from the start by some of the worst performances ever to grace modern film, with the possible exception of John Savage, who might be believable if all around him were not so lame. They barely mouth their lines, which incidentally, also makes this movie memorable as having possibly the worst working script ever written. Top it off wiith some mediocre camera work, and a hokey sound track and voila, you have the perfect gift for someone you detest. My ex may get this one as a Christmas gift this year.

My advice: Don't bother.
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