Zero Kelvin (1995)
Rare pearl of ice
16 June 2002
As usual, I went to see this movie having heard nothing of it, which normally works best since then I am able to see it on its own premises rather than being affected by reviews or previews, and even so I was quite surprised.

This film is nothing less than a well-played, well-shot psychological action/drama/thriller, and what's more, a Norwegian one even. Everything is highly believable, and the psychological development of the main character is a bit reminiscent of Espen Arnakke in Aksel Sandemose's Misery Harbour.

In "Misery Harbour", however, it is a development you are made aware of and pointed to look for, whereas in "Kjærlighetens Kjøtere", it gradually dawns on you what you are seeing, which makes this a much more powerful psychological narrative.

All in all, this is a rare pearl of ice, a gem of filmmaking that should not be left in its oyster, but held up to the light to be viewed in all its beauty by everyone who enjoy good movies.
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