Review of Showgirls

Showgirls (1995)
Great fun if you're not expecting too much
19 June 2001
I see a lot of negative about this film and wonder why. I think a lot of it is that it's been trashed so badly by critics that everyone wants to be on that "I hated it too" bandwagon.

I, for one, enjoyed it. So, a lot of you got tricked into watching a late night Cinemax "after hours" presentation that had a huge budget. Don't fret over it. Paul Verhoeven has always been known for blowing things up gloriously (aspects of a movie, not necessarily explosions).

This is a great movie for those who aren't expecting Academy Award winning's a fun late night nothing better to do movie. Myself and a few friends have the dialog memorized and follow along with it. We even create some of our own dialog.

I guess I also get a kick out of moviegoers who get a trick played on them and then get mad because of it. If you went into a movie that was created by Paul Verhoeven and Joe Eszterhas and was rated NC-17, expecting an artsy fartsy film, the joke was most definitely on you.

I on the otherhand, having seen everything Fred Olen Ray and Jim Wynorski have done, expected a fun, cheesy sex movie...and I got it...

9/10 and worth repeated viewings, especially for the great performances by Robert Davi and (yes) Elizabeth Berkley (for taking a chance on such a movie).

Trashy and proud of it, can't go wrong with that...
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