Skinner (1993)
Theodore goes Gein.
4 August 2000
What a fun little movie. Who would have thought that Sam Raimi's little brother had it in him? He's much more than just a Lunatic or a guy who gets slapped around by big, burly lesbians in leather bustiers every week on TV. Ted plays Dennis Skinner, a fun loving guy who just happens to dig slicing off people's skin and wearing it. Is that so bad? What will be even more frightening for you prudish non-horror fans is that stuff like this really happened back in the 50's in a little town in Wisconsin called Plainfield. Eddie Gein donned a suit of human skin and unwittingly inspired such horror movie classics as Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Silence of the Lambs. Ted's great as the creepy homicidal screwball who just looks like your average everyday nerd that nobody would ever suspect of doing such horrible things. Sure, Ricki Lake and Traci Lords are in it, but forget about them! This is TED'S movie! Skinner may be tasteless, extremely graphic, and pretty damn offensive but that just adds to its charm. Rent this one today, kids! Oh, there seems to be a whole lotta running water in this movie for some odd prepare yourself for frequent trips to the bathroom.
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