Toy Story (1995)
Despite the Disney conventions, a very entertaining film.
6 November 1999
I avoided this movie for a long time- in fact, I only ended up seeing it due to the influence of

I am forever indebted to this movie for re-igniting interest in Tron (my sentimental favorite movie of-all-time); but besides this, TS is an incredibly entertaining movie in its own right.

I was familiar with Pixar animation before TS; I actually stayed away from this movie because I didn't want to have my opinions altered by the presence of Disney. I now wish I had seen this movie years ago, instead of waiting for a cheap LD clearance sale.

TS, while adhering to Disney movie traditions, is an entertaining diversion, and historically important as a computer-rendered movie to boot. The difference between Disney and Pixar sensibilities concerning humor are evident early on; one is thankful that Disney gave so much lee-way to Pixar concerning story and dialogue. While I can't say that I was as entertained by the goings-on as average Disney fans, I can say that the results are much better than standard Disney fare. (In fact, if you can find this for under $50 on laserdisc, I can assure that your entertainment dollar is well-spent)

The LD contains the pre-TS Pixar shorts (worth the price of admission) as well as director's comments, and much more. The LD is probably the best deal I've had in a while, and I recommend that everyone- despite their feelings towards Disney- get this LD set. I hope that Disney comes out with an equivalent set for DVD users; everyone deserves to have access to this.

An amazing film, seemingly light-years beyond what Disney is capable of. I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel.
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