Poor mans Pulp Fiction, not that that's a bad thing
25 June 2003
Over the course of two days the lives of two vice cops, an ex olympic

athleate a couple of gangsters, an art lover, a foxy chick, a down and out actor, a Nurse and a dog all interlink with eachothers. Like Pulp Ficton ya see. The cast might be B List but that is not a bad thing, not having the big names in there help's make it more realistic. What kept me watching this was waiting to see who was gonna pop up next and waiting to see where the plot was gonna twist. This is not a flick that you can watch go make some pop corn and expect to still know what's going on. Double crosses, some interesting charecters (the time obsessed hitman for instance)and a few laughs should give enough to keep most crime fans happy. Oh and check out Charlize Theron in this, DAM SHE IS FIT!
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