Killer Tongue (1996)
28 July 2001
Wow, what a movie!

This is strictly for the b-movie lovers only. All you namby pamby Julia Roberts movie going public should just stick to renting that piece of trash "Steel Magnolias" again while the rest of us enjoy great flciks like this.

I get a kick out of reviewers that rented this and expected high cinema...hello McFly, it's a movie called "The Killer Tongue"

Anyways, the movie concerns a hot chickie played by the always gorgeous Mindy Clark (billed here as Melinda Clark) who was a standout in "Return Of The Living Dead 3" who eats some alien infested soup and becomes a chickie with a mutant, talking tongue.

Her poodles eat the soup and POOF they become drag queens.

Anyways, I don't want to spoil the twists and turns and fun stuff.

I got a huge kick out of Robert Englund (who plays Freddy Kreuger) and Doug Bradley (who plays Pinhead in the "Hellraiser" movies) towards the end when Robert tells Doug "I like you better with the natural look" a great inside reference about the Pinhead makeup.

So, if you want something different then by all means check this out. If you haven't even seen a NightMare On Elm Street or Hellraiser movie, please proceed to the Julia Roberts aisl of the video store. ;)
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